Launched in Japan in 2001, the brand maintains a close link with time. Its founder, Toshiaki Yamagishi, has made this elusive factor a common denominator in all his creations.
Time passes, Yellows Plus passes through it.
Ambassador of Japanese craftsmanship which he knows is renowned for its high quality, Toshiaki Yamagishi has chosen to use the years to perfect the models he manufactures. Its objective: to make its glasses more comfortable and more functional in the long term. A fan of a classic but refined style, he likes timeless lines and does not want to be bothered with trends.
Concerned about mastering its know-how, Yellows Plus remains faithful to an artisanal tradition inherited from its history. Delicately hand-polished acetate frames or meticulously shaped titanium pieces, high-end lenses recognized for their innovation... the Japanese brand does not hide its requirements. A philosophy of life that Toshiaki Yamagishi likes to share with glasses wearers who cross his path.